The small stream
It is a hot late afternoon in the middle of summer. We are on a sort of vacation, and have stopped at a horticultural place called the "Jade Garden." A small stream runs through the middle and I've brought us to it due to the heat. At a certain spot where it pooled under shady boughs I dipped a very good baby's feet into it to let her feel its coolness. Then I dunked my bandanna into the water and wrung it out a bit and draped it over her hot little head. She drew in her breath suddenly, expressing in her only little way the shock of something suddenly cold, but she seemed to like it and nuzzled her forehead to it and smiled. It is very hot today and she must be hot too.
Will she remember any of these early tiny moments that meant so much to us?
Will she remember any of these early tiny moments that meant so much to us?