The opiate of the masses
"Religion is the opiate of the masses," he mused, as the church bell rang that Sunday morning, rousing him from sleep. He yawned away the saliva strings and lazily peered out the curtain. "Time for the sheep to drink the Kool-Aid of their irrational superstition" he mused contentedly to himself. He rolled over, scratching a moist inner thigh before sniffing the funk. A hand reached under a pile of clothes and found the remote. Time to get started. He walked out of the room to the fridge, and a few moments later came back.
He had more important things to do today. Cracking into a can of 'Dew, he settled in for the next six hours. The fourth season of that Netflix adult cartoon wasn't going to watch itself, after all.
He had more important things to do today. Cracking into a can of 'Dew, he settled in for the next six hours. The fourth season of that Netflix adult cartoon wasn't going to watch itself, after all.